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Who am I?

Who Am I?: Welcome

   I was born in a small town in New Jersey, with humble beginnings. My upbringing taught me to work for everything I have and to embrace what life gives me. To be honest, I couldn’t wait to spread my wings, as they say, and break myself free from the confines of small town living. Once able, I left for college in North Carolina. My time there was brief, but memorable. Still not feeling free, I moved out west and spent a few years there, exploring all that I could. Once I was ready to settle down, I moved back to North Carolina and did just that. Even though I needed to break free from my beginnings, I now know it was a wonderful place to grow up. This is why I have settled in a small town, much like the one I knew in my childhood. I thoroughly enjoy raising my son here, where he can play in the yard, without worry. I love the fact that everyone knows everyone and that there is a sense of community. Here I work with special needs children and coach our youth. I believe that it does take a village to raise a child. This is my village and I do what I can to make it the best that it can be. Though my life now isn’t much different than my own beginnings, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I am not a Harvard graduate, but I have spent my life studying at the University of Hard Knocks. I am just like many of you and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Whether it is watching a ball game, hanging out with friends, spending quality time with family, or mowing the grass, I have learned to enjoy it all.

Every day I wake up it is a blessing. I am a devout Christian and when I am not volunteering at my church, I volunteer my time helping children in the foster care system. God has blessed me with the ability to teach and counsel children, who are our future. This I do not take lightly. He has also blessed me with the gift of the written word and I am grateful for that. Every day that I wake to experience life is a true gift and a blessing and I am honored to be able to share it with all of you. I would not be where I am without God and even though life is full of as many trials as it is bliss, I wouldn't have it any other way. All that happens to us, molds us, strengthens us, and creates the very person we are. And the person I am is filled with Hope, Faith, and Love. That is exactly how I try to live. I am far from perfect, but I have hope in the future, faith in the Lord that He will put me on the path He wishes, and I do my best to just love life and all of it's intricacies.

As far as writing goes, I have been doing it as long as I can remember. I find purity in it. I find peace, no matter how chaotic life may be. I write about all that I see, hear, feel, taste, encounter, and find within my mind and soul. I believe we are made up of all that we allow ourselves to do, whether it be right or wrong, and that without testing new waters and trying new things, we become a shell. This is our makeup, for better or worse. Because of this, the honesty from the written word is like no other. I believe that is what you will find from mine especially. I don’t believe in pulling punches in general, but especially when writing. I say it how I see it. This may not be for everyone, but I think everyone can get something out of it. It is just pure honest thoughts, from an average man.

Who Am I?: Bio
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