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The floor has crumbled beneath our feet and the ever so dark cloud is hovering above us. We have all felt the devastating lose of love and the excruciating pain of defeat. The deafening, blinding cloak of death has shrouded our minds with thoughts of illnesses, insecurity, ineptness, and the possibilities or lack there of our eternal state. The blind corner is always just before us and the fear of the unknown cripples even the strongest of hearts and minds. So what else is left for us to do? We must stand up, love harder, and believe from within. We must grab a hold of the essence of who we are and never let go of what matters to us most. We must scream to the Heavens... I am alive!... My soul is real!... My thoughts matter!... I am!

Inspirational!: About
Gentle Stream


Starting as meager droplets gently falling from above; landing here and there. Longing to be one, they fight the soil, which wishes to consume them. Joining with the same desire; forward the push goes on. Multiplying till streaming, they break from the cage solely on will. Crippling the stones and raging with passion, they scream to be free. Wide open is the horizon as they overcome the last of the barriers. Diving joyously with triumph, they reunite with their brethren. Nothing can stop the power of those who wish to finish what they start.

Inspirational!: Welcome


The willingness to stare down adversity. The ability to always take a step forward no matter how hard you get hit. Never taking no for an answer, when you believe you are right. Seeing through the hazy fog to the sunshine on the other side. Never giving up on your dreams and passions, even if no one else shares them. Looking at your failures as building blocks to your success.

Inspirational!: Welcome


The willingness to stand guard, when it is not your watch. The desire to fight for what you believe in, no matter the cost. The ability to remember the past, so that it won’t be repeated. Standing strong beside a stranger, to ensure what is right. Never forgetting those who were lost and to support those that survived.

Inspirational!: Welcome


Poised for the fight; no matter the obstacle. Being able to overcome the adversity even if you must take a step back. Seeing through the darkness with just a flickering candle of hope. Seeing your dreams come to fruition; if not for yourself, for the betterment of the whole.

Inspirational!: Welcome
Red Poppy


Is like a flower blooming, against all odds. The longing for acceptance of who you are. It is the warming of the soul by another; fighting the bitterness of the world which surrounds you. Seeing the beauty through the darkness; due to the one who holds your heart in their hand. Hearing the music on the breeze that soothes the mind. It is knowing that together you are complete and can overcome anything, as long as you stand by each other’s side.

Inspirational!: Welcome


Starts with believing in more than what your senses tell you are possible. Understanding that what cannot be explained, can be real. Knowing that you are never alone. Feeling the spirit within you. Sensing the warmth of the invisible touch. Hearing the encouragement in the silence. Seeing the beauty that surrounds you at every moment. It is being thankful for every day you get to wake, knowing the world was created for you to enjoy and that one day an even more amazing place awaits.

Inspirational!: Welcome
Forest Scene


Loving unconditionally; for there is no other way. Always alert; protecting what matters most. Consistently there for all wants and needs. Never asking what about me; for your happiness is all that matters. I will run with you through the laughter and lay with you through the tears. By your side I will always be; for our family means the most to me.

Inspirational!: Welcome


Digging deep within, during the darkest and most somber of times; to tell the story but once again; to pass on the teachings of those before us. Having the understanding of the necessity of the past, for we must not forget where we came from. Guiding the future with the knowledge of the beginning.

Inspirational!: Welcome
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